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Christams Tree

Tips for choosing the best real Christmas Tree

Choosing a Christmas tree for your and your family is such a fun time of year, but how do you ensure you not only choose the best looking tree but the best overall tree? We have listed a few tips below to help you when you go to the Christmas tree farm. Once the holiday is over, be sure to recycle your real Christmas tree for a sustainable and earth-friendly holiday.

1. The perfect spot.

One of the hardest decisions can be where to put your Christmas tree in your house, some may have several options and others may only have a few places available but knowing the space you have for the tree is vital. Always remember that the tree stand will add a small amount of height too, and you want to be able to fit that all important star or angel to the top. You’ll want to leave a minimum of six inches between the top of your tree and the ceiling. If you’re planning on using a tree topper allow at least 12 inches.

2.   Know what you want

There are several tree options and although they just look like interesting names they do actually make a difference. Pine or first have softer needles which is better with children where as spruce trees are harder and can hurt if you step on the needles. Some things to consider when choosing the right type will be the colour, shape, and feel of a tree. Some trees are dark green and others have grey or white hues. There are trees with tight branching patterns and then some with more spaces. One thing to remember is that if the tree looks very full while absent of ornaments, it may be difficult to decorate.

3. Freshness of your tree

When choosing a real Christmas tree, check the trunk of the fresh Christmas tree. The trunk should have a slight stickiness to it. Bend a needle in half with your fingers; fresh firs should snap, while fresh pines bend and should not break. To find the best Christmas tree that will last the longest, gently grab the inside of a branch and pull your hand toward you. The needles should stay on the tree. Alternatively, gently tap the cut end of a tree on the ground; if a few needles fall off, it should be fine. If a lot of needles fall off, keep searching for a different tree. Some types of Christmas trees will go from deep, rich green to a dull grey-green if they get too dried out. Err on the side of caution and stick with a “greener is better” mindset.

4. Trunk care

Cut off about a half-inch from the bottom of the tree’s trunk. Put the tree in water as quickly as you can after making the cut. To keep your Christmas tree looking perfect, keep the water in your tree stand filled all the time. You may need to add water two or even three times the first few days.

5. Recycle

Four ways to reuse or dispose of your Christmas tree:

1.Replant your potted Christmas tree in a garden to give it a new lease of life. You could also add bird feeders to provide shelter for wildlife
2.Drop your tree off at a recycling centre where it can be turned into chippings for paths or turned into soil
3.Check with your local council to see if there’s a special collection service
4.Look for an organisation or charity that offers a ‘treecyling’ service where it could be used to build effective flood barriers in communities around the UK


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